Tattoo regret? Want to clear the canvas? We can help with that. Our Laser Tattoo Removal machine can make that possible. Most treatments take less than 10 minutes. Contact us for a free consult. Treatments can be scheduled on Saturday for your convenience.
Remove that unwanted hair and eliminate the need to shave on the regular. Our state of the art laser device can remove hair from most anywhere! Permanently remove that pesky unsightly hair in only a few treatments. Be summer ready all year long. Take the next step and call for a consult.
Spider veins don't have to be permanent! An in office procedure can eliminate those tangled webs. Contact us for a consult and we can help you return to and maintain your youthful leg appearance. Pretty legs are not reserved for the young or the rich, you can have pretty legs too!
Do you have moles, skin tags, freckles or other nuisance growths began to invade your face or body? Have you considered having them removed? Most lesions can be removed easily with minimal pain. Its worth the free consult to find out your options.
Frown lines & crows feet are often signs of aging. We can't stop aging but we can maintain our youthful appearance! Good skin care and a little bit of fillers can slow the signs of aging. Wear your best face everyday. The cost is likely less than you think!
Healthy vibrant skin on your face and neck can change the way you feel about yourself, as well as the way others feel about you. Stop covering your blemishes and acne scars with make-up. Laser those spots away and get on with your day. Begin seeing results after a few treatments.