Your health care provider will swab the back of your nose or throat to collect a sample for testing. Instead of waiting days for your results, an antigen test can produce a result in an hour or less, Antigen tests are highly accurate. If you have COVID symptoms but test negative, your doctor may order a molecular test just to rule out a false negative.
Your health care provider will swab the back of your nose or throat to collect a sample for testing. nstead of waiting days for your results, an antigen test can produce a result in an hour or less, Antigen tests are highly accurate. If you have COVID symptoms but test negative, your doctor may order a molecular test just to rule out a false negative.
This test looks for antibodies to the coronavirus. Antibodies are proteins your immune system produces to fight off a foreign invader, such as a virus. A COVID-19 antibody test cannot diagnose active coronavirus infection. All it tells you is whether you’ve been infected at some point in the past, even if that occurred months ago. Antibodies do not become detectable until at least several days after an infection has started. Rapid results of the antibody test are available in less than 30 minutes.